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This is all You Need to Know about Wine Corks

Simply from tradition is the part of the reason why to seal to bottles we use wine corks today. To seal vessels holding wine Cork or other sealants in some form have been used for thousands of years.

Followed by sealing wax and clay, prior to the development of cork stopper with releasing for bottle sealants were the primary choice, later. It is reported that by the Greeks and Romans cork might have been used though it was not the closure of choice.
The Wine Cork History
Cork in the late 1600s started to become the sealing the material of choice when with an almost uniform design and shape it became possible to create glass wine bottles. For the tavern owner or wine lover, to create easy to use corkscrews it took until the late 1700s.

At that point in history, glass wine stoppers were replaced by cork stopper with releasing of China, which while without breaking the wine the bottle they worked well, glass stoppers were not easy to remove.

As from that point forward, the pairing of the wine bottle and cork ushered fine wine into the modern age, the wine had the ability to age and evolves in the bottle.

As they were easier to remove from the bottle than glass and a lot less expensive to manufacture Wine corks became popular slightly after glass bottles began gaining in popularity.
In time, wine corks from the cork stopper with releasing the manufacturer became the sealer of choice by the 17th century, because it was quickly discovered that the wine in the bottle could be sealed by cork. Allowing the wine to age and evolve slowly over time it severely retards the oxidation process.

As corks or better put, a minimal amount of oxygen into the wine is allowed by quality corks allow this takes place. when air interacts with wine this is essential because it lets the wine to oxidize eventually.

As we mentioned, with the wine a minimal amount of air needs to interact because that is how wines expel unwanted aromas develop their secondary qualities, as well as mature.


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